Saturday, 8 October 2011

Precarious: Why chances never die.

Precarious…we are
you and I
and the dim possibilities of us
as precarious
Chances have dwelled on every breath we take
and possibilities in every thought we fake

With the uncertainties and the dwindling minds
and what all have you left behind,
My unwavering reluctance
and the whiff of penitence
every time I let my face touch the feeble winds
Like a tropical current ,
my back to the strong push of its flames
aah..another precariousness has built up.

Still, there are probabilities untamed.
 your deep silent games,
 a shallow understanding of you
and then we drop a few names
in the small indirect words, impromptu?
Threats to each other, reminders to our own
of what can be and what shall not be done

Precarious it is, how we can fall back
the lines shall remain and the limits tied
we glance , we glare,
what difference does it make the
indifferent stares?

Now we resort to humour,
we jest and we laugh away
the peculiar tension is softened between us
precariousness still stays
laughter subdued to grins
and you carefully pick a hint,
Enough has been said
manipulations aplenty,

Now humiliate each other
Rolled eyes, and embarrassing questions
Let’s treat each others as commoners, we are supposed to be
You are no god, and I no divinity
To each other, though we remain unapproachable
By choice of course, to each other.

Now we have had enough,
Let’s wedge the differences.
Let us lie, not say what we mean
and live in ignorance,
 Phenomenally we disappear
in thin air,
loom large over each other like a haunting,
 people around are now more interesting
Precariousness, are you dead now?

Over a round table, we have had negotiations
We have tried to do away with the mutual enemy
I have fought it with silence, we have fought it with words,
Alone and with a force of an army
We have aligned our wit, our thought our mind
and precariousness has hit back with an unbelievable force,
So mighty? That I resign.

Let it be am I the traitor or you, the intruder
It is here and here it is, still binding us .
 Keeping us afloat in each other.
Alive or not dead enough.

And so we go in directions
And the take the bend that comes back, in hesitation,
Precarious, strange how chances never die.


  1. I would like to acknowledge a few people, first, Ms.Gay, her post led to this title and inspired me to write on it. few acquaintances who might not want to be named and their skewed relationships that have led me to such confusing conclusions.

  2. I do not know, Love is of different kinds, I have not seen all to give an insight into this.I just wrote what was seeming on the surface. It's just an observation.

  3. from what all i have got of this , it really seems like a poetic effect given to the course of my life. if i'd have mustered enough courage to write a poem on that "precariousness" would really have come up with something like this. seemed like an alter ego, versified.

  4. I'am glad I could be your poetic tongue.
